Setting up Wifi Scanner

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Building Wifi Scanner

After you have went through the [Installing Packages Required for SLAM] page, you can now build the wifi tools that will allow us to get data from the surrounding Wireless Access Points. Lets go through the steps:

1.) Open a terminal and change directory to where you saved MILES then navigate to wifi_scanner. For example:

  cd ~/catkin_ws/src/MILES/wifi_scanner

2.) Now that you are in the directory you need to clean any old CMAKE builds:


3.) Lastly, we can now build the package:


wifi_scanner should now build without any errors. If there are errors make sure you have done every step on the [Installing Packages Required for SLAM] page. IF there still are errors, you can email

Running the Wifi Scanner

Now that we have built the wifi scanner we can now test to see how well it works. If you are running on a Virtual Machine or do not have a Wireless card on your computer, you will need to get a USB Wireless Receiver. Here are the steps:

1.) Open a new terminal.

2.) Navigate to the directory that you built wifi_scanner. For Example:

  cd ~/catkin_ws/src/MILES/wifi_scanner/bin

3.) Now we can run the wifi_scanner, though make sure it is run as root.

  sudo ./test_wifi_scanner