Installing Packages Required for SLAM

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Revision as of 11:33, 28 October 2014 by Rtindel2 (Talk | contribs)

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We are currently working on getting access to the LofaroLabs Github to be able to push our catkin workspace. This will make writing the tutorial very easy.

The Packages that we are using for RGBDSLAM are:

rgbdslam: Comprises of the program that will connect to the openni2_camera messages and use them to create a 3d map of what is seen as the camera moves. Parts of the Cmake file had to be edited to make it build properly. These edits will be in our Github repository.

octomap_server: Dependency of rgbdslam. Used to save out the 3d map.

octomap_ros: Dependency of rgbdslam package.

octomap_msgs: Dependency of rgbdslam package.

opennni2_camera: Has the drivers to connect to various RGBD sensors including our own. You will need to use openni2 not openni.

openni2_launch: Launches openni2 nodes and starts sending out image, depth, and pointcloud data as ros messages.

libg2o: Dependency of rgbdslam package.

arm_navigation: Dependency of rgbdslam package.

--Rtindel2 (talk) 11:33, 28 October 2014 (EDT)