How to Scale an STL File and Print the File on 3D Printer

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First, if you haven't downloaded the MakerBot Desktop program, please go to the link below to download the file.

Download MakerBot Desktop Here MakerBot will allow you to scale or manage your 3D prints.

Once you download the MakerBot, open it. And then, click on File, select 'Open File' and add the STL file


Once you add the STL file, select the object by clicking on it. Then, on the left corner click on the scaling button: ScalingOptionOnMakerBot.PNG

Few things to know about scaling: mark uniform selecting so you can scale all sides just by changing one of the sides. If you unchecked this option,your model will not be proportional when you scale it.

Once you finished scaling one object, the MakeBot allows you to add another file and print multiple objects at the same time.

Now click on Setting button to edit the printer setting, which includes changing the temperature, deciding if your item needs a support or not, choosing ABS color, and soon. MakerBot automatically setup the default printer setting once you choose the printer type or the printer that you are using but still you have to choose color types and support options.


Printing with support is required since plastic must be deposited on a layer where there is no or insufficient plastic on the previous layer. This includes when the object you're printing has steep overhanging surfaces, straight overhangs, or fully suspended islands. To turn on the Support Feature, go to "Setting" and on setting on the right you will see the Supports feature and turn it on.
