Using SLAM software

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Steps to run SLAM software 1. Open terminal window, empty all log data

~$rosclean purge

2. Start main ros system


3. Open new terminal window, allow access to USB port the robot is connected to via USB

~$sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0

4. Allow access to USB port the hokuyo laser is connect to via USB

~$sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0

5. Start rosAria communications with the robot

~$rosrun rosaria RosAria _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 

6. Open new terminal window, start robot control---using pioneer robot here

~$rosrun pioneer3dx 3dxControl

7. Open new terminal window, set hokuyo laser node parameter

~$rosparam set hokuyo_node/port /dev/ttyACM0

8. Start hokuyo laser node

~$roslaunch hokuyo_node hokuyo_test.launch

9. Open new terminal window, start the SLAM mapping software

~$roslaunch hector_slam slam.launch

10. Open new terminal window, start the robot pose advertiser

~$rosrun robot_pose pose

11. Open new terminal window, start the robot pose subscirber

~$rosrun robot_pose pose_listener