Setting up computer environment for controlling Baxter

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Revision as of 01:42, 2 December 2014 by Mjavid (Talk | contribs)

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This tutorial assumes that you have already unpackaged and setup Baxter for connection to a computer. Instructions for this can be found here.

Software Requirements

Operating System
Linux Ubuntu 12.04 Precise is highly recommended. A great tutorial to help you install Ubuntu is here.
ROS and Baxter SDK
Now that the Operating system has been installed, the development workspace dependencies and libraries must be installed, then the network. This first requires ROS and the Baxter SDK dependencies. See directions for doing this under steps 2-6 here. It is recommended that you install ROS Groovy and the Baxter SDK Dependencies for Groovy.
Network Configuration
For step 6 network configuration is required. LAN can be setup by following the located here.
Other network communication modes can be setup by following the Rethinks tutorialhere.
If step 7 is successful you have now successfully setup Baxters development environment! The next guide covers how to get Baxter to wave "Hello!"