Moving The P3DX In Gazebo

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Prerequisites: Ubuntu, Gazebo, and ROS

Our tutorials were made using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In order to move the P3-DX in Gazebo you will have to install Gazebo, you can do that here. In order to move the P3-DX in Gazebo, you must first install ROS. In our tutorial we used ROS Hydro. You can install ROS Hydro from here.

Obtaining the P3-DX model

Git clone P3-DX model from Install the p3dx model in catkin_ws

Adjust the P3-DX model to take inputs from cmd_vel topic

Make the following changes in the package you got from Github:

In ua_ros_p3dx/p3dx_description/urdf/pioneer3dx.xml change:

<commandTopic>p3dx/cmd_vel</commandTopic> <odometryTopic>p3dx/odom</odometryTopic>


<commandTopic>cmd_vel</commandTopic> <odometryTopic>odom</odometryTopic>

In ua_ros_p3dx/p3dx_description/urdf/pioneer3dx.gazebo change:

<commandTopic>${ns}/cmd_vel</commandTopic> <odometryTopic>${ns}/odom</odometryTopic>


<commandTopic>cmd_vel</commandTopic> <odometryTopic>odom</odometryTopic>