Moving Holonomic Robot

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Two file are needed to be able to move the Holonomic Robot. UART_pi_move.ino contains the state machine for UART communication with the Raspberry Pi Zero and it also has the code for generating the PWM signals for the three motors and setting their direction. contains the controller to be able to move the robot with a keyboard from the Pi zero.

Arduino Pro Mini The following pins are used on the Arduino Pro Mini:

  Pins (3,9,10) - PWMs for Motors 1, 2, and 3.
  Pins (11,12,13) - Direction control (through a NOT gate) for Motors 1, 2, and 3.
  Pin RX1 - UART connected to TX from Pi (Note: 5V (Arduino) to 3V(Pi) voltage divider is needed to protect the Pi, since the Arduino RX1 is 
            seen to be asserted to HIGH some of the times.
  Pin RAW - Unregulated voltage upto 12V (regulated to 5V using on board regulator).

UART_pi_move.ino - UART communication is as follows:

Pi -> Mini Pro

         1) 1 or 2 or 3 [Wheel No.]
         2) 5 or 6 [Wheel Dir.]
         3) 0 - 255 [Duty cycle sent is converted from percent to be [0 - 255]]
         4) Repeat for number of wheels (i.e 3)
         5) sending 1 and then 8 at anytime triggers ASM RESET