Hubo DRC Peg-In-Hole

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Revision as of 00:07, 28 September 2014 by Mjavid (Talk | contribs)

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1. Install openRAVE version 0.9.0 from here (compile it from sources)

2. Install openHubo from here

3. Install Hubo-ach from here

4. Download the github code for the ARCHR peg-in-hole from here, and save the entire contents in a folder called 'Hubo_Simulation'

5. Run openrave with hubo-ach with the command: hubo-ach sim openhubo physics drc

6. Run the python keyboard example '' and press the appropriate keyboard key for performing manipulations on the various limbs of DRC. For example, pressing 'a' moves the RSP up 0.1 radians, 'z' moves it down 0.1 radians.

All joints and keys are shown below: if c == 'a':

   		    RSP = RSP-0.1;
   	    if c == 'z': 
     		    RSP = RSP+0.1;

if c == 's':

   		    RSR = RSR-0.1;
   	    if c == 'x': 
     		    RSR = RSR+0.1;

if c == 'd':

   		    RSY = RSY-0.1;
   	    if c == 'c': 
     		    RSY = RSY+0.1;

if c == 'f':

   		    REB = REB-0.1;
   	    if c == 'v': 
     		    REB = REB+0.1;

if c == 'g':

   		    RWY = RWY-0.1;
   	    if c == 'b': 
     		    RWY = RWY+0.1;

#if c == 'h':

   		    RWP = RWP-0.1;
   	    #if c == 'n': 
     		    RWP = RWP+0.1;
   	    if c == 'w': 
     		    RF1 = 1;
   	    if c == 'e': 
     		    RF1 = -1;
   	    if c == 'r': 
     		    RF2 = 1;
   	    if c == 't': 
     		    RF2 = -1;

note: RF1 and RF2 require a value of 1 or -1 to open or close the two portions of the hand.