How to use the code

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the client code needs to be one one computer and the server code needs to be on the other. it is also possible to run the two codes on one machine if you use the computers local network code

Screenshot from 2014-11-27 11.png

in the picture above I opened a terminal window and typed ifconfig as long as you are connected to a network you will see what is shown above that is from a Virtual machine if you are using a full install it might show another part other than eth0 it might show up with a wlan or something like that.

the point is that these codes will need the inet addr: in this example it would be

if you want to run them both on one machine you can use the one in the lo part in this case it would be

Screenshot from 2014-11-27 112.png

the file above is from the servo client code you need to do the ifconfig as above on both computers to find their ip addresses and you will need to put them in these locations in client. you will need to do this in all 3 of these files the server codes will only need their own ip addresses

vision system

OpenCV needs to be installed on the computer to be able to use the streaming video

in these files you will most likely need to change

capture=cv2.VideoCapture(3); its line 12 the things you will need to change is the '3' this has to do with what port the usb camera is plugged into. this will most likely need to be changed in both of them. also the current computers ip address needs to be incerted in the code on line 48 this is what the line will look like

self.wfile.write('<img src=""/>') #this ip is for other computers connecting