Examining the Simple Publisher and Subscriber

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1) In a new terminal run roscore:


2) In a new terminal (terminal 2) go to your workspace and source your devel file(if you used catkin like this series of tutorials):

  cd ~/catkin_ws
source ./devel/setup.bash

3) In terminal 2, run the talker.

For C++:

rosrun beginner_tutorials talker

For Python:

rosrun beginner_tutorials talker.py

This terminal should begin to print "hello world" messages.

4) In a new terminal (terminal 3) go to your workspace and source your devel file(if you used catkin like this series of tutorials):

  cd ~/catkin_ws
source ./devel/setup.bash

5) In terminal 3, run the listener:

For C++:

rosrun beginner_tutorials listener

For Python:

rosrun beginner_tutorials listener.py

This terminal should begin to print "I heard hello world" messages.