ECE-370: Robot Design

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Install Raspbian


  • 1x Raspberry Pi Zero W
  • 1x MicroCenter brand 32gb Series 10 micro SD card (or larder if using another brand)

Install OS

You need to install Raspbian-Full 2018-11-13 version (see link below):

Once the image is downloaded follow the directions below to install the base image:

Setup Wifi

This section describes how to setup the wifi on your raspberry pi zero w without the need for a keyboard or monitor attached to the device.

  1. Download the wpa_supplican.conf example file here
  2. Rename wpa_supplicant.conf.example to wpa_supplicant.conf
  3. Setup your wifi name and password (note: you will be using "eduroam")
    1. Change your GMU password, this will ensure it will not expire during the course of the class
    2. Modify "identity" to match your GMU email address
    3. Modify "password" to match your GMU email password
  4. Insert the SD card into your computer
  5. Go to the SD card drive named "boot"
  6. Place the wpa_supplicant.conf created above inside of "boot". This will automatically copy wpa_supplicant.conf to its required place (i.e. /etc/wpa_supplicant/)

Setup Hostname

First you have to mount the 2nd partition (type ext4) on your system

  • Linux: native support
  • Windows: use Ext2Fsd
  • Mac: use the trial of Paragon

Now you have to edit two files within the above mounted files system:

  1. Edit /etc/hostname
    • Replace "raspberrypi" with the desired name (no spaces) of your computer, please make it unique)
  1. Edit /etc/