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(Created page with "LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITY pwm IS GENERIC( sys_clk : INTEGER := 50_000_000; --system clock frequency...")
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Revision as of 12:40, 3 May 2017

LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;


     sys_clk         : INTEGER := 50_000_000; --system clock frequency in Hz
     pwm_freq        : INTEGER := 5_000;    --PWM switching frequency in Hz
     bits_resolution : INTEGER := 8;          --bits of resolution setting the duty cycle
     phases          : INTEGER := 1);         --number of output pwms and phases
     clk       : IN  STD_LOGIC;                                    --system clock
     reset_n   : IN  STD_LOGIC;                                    --asynchronous reset
     ena       : IN  STD_LOGIC;                                    --latches in new duty cycle
     change_direction : in std_logic;
     duty      : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(bits_resolution-1 DOWNTO 0); --duty cycle
     direction : OUT STD_LOGIC;
     direction_inv : out std_logic;
     pwm_out   : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(phases-1 DOWNTO 0));          --pwm outputs

END pwm;


  signal change_dir_db, change_dir_f : std_logic;
  component debouncer port(
     reset : in  STD_LOGIC;
     input : in  STD_LOGIC;
     clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
     output : out  STD_LOGIC);
  end component;
  component RED port(
     input : in  STD_LOGIC;
     clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
     reset : in  STD_LOGIC;
     output : out  STD_LOGIC);
  end component;
  CONSTANT  period     :  INTEGER := sys_clk/pwm_freq;                      --number of clocks in one pwm period
  TYPE counters IS ARRAY (0 TO phases-1) OF INTEGER RANGE 0 TO period - 1;  --data type for array of period counters
  SIGNAL  count        :  counters := (OTHERS => 0);                        --array of period counters
  --next line removed period/2
  SIGNAL   half_duty_new  :  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO period := 0;              --number of clocks in 1/2 duty cycle
  TYPE half_duties IS ARRAY (0 TO phases-1) OF INTEGER RANGE 0 TO period;--/2; --data type for array of half duty values
  SIGNAL  half_duty    :  half_duties := (OTHERS => 0);                     --array of half duty values (for each phase)
  SIGNAL  direction_temp      :    std_logic := '0';
  signal out_tmp : std_logic := '0';


  db: debouncer port map (reset => reset_n, input => change_direction, clk => clk, output => change_dir_db);
  rd: RED port map (reset => reset_n, input => change_dir_db, clk => clk, output => change_dir_f);
  direction <= direction_temp;
  direction_inv <= not(direction_temp);
  PROCESS(clk, reset_n, count, half_duty, change_dir_f, direction_temp)
     IF(reset_n = '1') THEN                                                      --asynchronous reset
        count <= (OTHERS => 0);                                                --clear counter
        direction_temp <= '0';
     ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN--(clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN               --rising system clock edge
        if (change_dir_f = '1') then
           direction_temp <= not(direction_temp);
        end if;
        IF(ena = '1') THEN                                                     --latch in new duty cycle
           half_duty_new <= conv_integer(duty)*period/(2**bits_resolution);--/2;  --determine clocks in 1/2 duty cycle
        END IF;
        FOR i IN 0 to phases-1 LOOP                                         --create a counter for each phase
           IF(count(0) = period - 1 - i*period/phases) THEN                    --end of period reached
                 count(i) <= 00000000;                                                --reset counter
                 half_duty(0) <= half_duty_new;                                --set most recent duty cycle value
           ELSE                                                                 --end of period not reached
              count(i) <= count(i) + 1;                                        --increment counter
           END IF;
        END LOOP;
     END IF;
  end process;
  process(reset_n, clk, count, half_duty, direction_temp)
     IF (reset_n = '1') THEN
        out_tmp <= '0';
     ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
        FOR i IN 0 to phases-1 LOOP                                            --control outputs for each phase
           IF(count(0) >= half_duty(0)) THEN                                   --phase's falling edge reached
              out_tmp <= '0';
           ELSIF(count(0) <= period - half_duty(0)) THEN                       --phase's rising edge reached
                 out_tmp <= '1';
           END IF;
        END LOOP;
     END IF;

pwm_out(0) <= out_tmp; END logic;