ARCHR (voodoo-style controller)

From Lofaro Lab Wiki
Revision as of 03:12, 2 December 2014 by Mjavid (Talk | contribs)

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Downloading the code from github

Obtain the code from the Lofarolabs Baxter Github branch named ARCHR
By running the command git clone from terminal in a desired location.

Fixing the file paths of the bash scripts

Navigate to the downloaded ARCHR folder, and open the startController bash script. Change the file path so it is correct.
For example: if your ubuntu username is "student" and the files are located under downloads, change the code on line 9 from:
Change the path in line 11 too. For line 16, change only the username to student (/home/student/ros_ws)
Repeat this process for the controllerL, controllerR, gripperR and bash files as well.
Navigate to the Stereovision and change the file paths of the startReceive and files.
  • To setup the streaming webcams see here