ARCHR (voodoo-style controller)

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Revision as of 03:12, 2 December 2014 by Mjavid (Talk | contribs)

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Downloading the code from github

Obtain the code from the Lofarolabs Baxter Github branch named ARCHR
By running the command git clone from terminal in a desired location.
Navigate to the downloaded ARCHR folder, and open the startController bash script. Change the file path so it is correct.
For example: if your ubuntu username is "student" and the files are located under downloads, change the code on line 9 from:
Change the path in line 11 too. For line 16, change only the username to student (/home/student/ros_ws)
Repeat this process for the controllerL, controllerR, gripperR and bash files as well.
Navigate to the Stereovision and change the file paths of the startReceive and files.
  • To setup the streaming webcams see here