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Latest revision as of 19:06, 19 October 2014

ROS nodes are executable file those are programmed using python/c++ to control sensors, actuators or any other component of the system using ros client library rospy and roscpp.

Running a node in the system means, you are running a robot or a part of it. To run a node first thing need to do is to run the roscore using the command

 $ roscore

We can find the list of nodes running in the system by commanding

 $ rosnode list

If we want to run a node from a package we should command in following way

 $ rosrun [package_name] [node_name]

For example if we want to run the turtle_sim node which resides within turtlesim package, we should command

 $ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node

If we run the rosnode list command again, we will find our turtlesim node is running.