Navigating the ROS Filesystem

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Navigating the ROS Filesystem

First, if catkin is not already installed, we need to settle some dependencies and install catkin.

Settle dependencies:

  sudo apt-get install cmake python-catkin-pkg python-empty python-nose python-setuptools libgtest-dev build-essential

Install catkin:

  sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-catkin

Now we can focus on navigation. Here is a list of commands to navigate around the ROS files and folders.

  • To find the path of a package: rospack find [package-name]


  rospack find roscpp
  • To change directory: roscd [locationname[/subdir]]


  roscd roscpp
  • To see your working (current) directory:
  • To see your ROS environment path:
  • To move to the folder ROS stores its logs:
  roscd log
  • To see contents of a particular package: rosls [locationname[/subdir]]


  rosls roscpp_tutorials
  • TAB completion is also supported.