Knowing Topics and Messages in depth

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From now on we have understood that nodes are communicating with each other through messages. So it’s time to understand the messages and the type of the messages. Let’s take a closer look at topic and messages.

To get a list of active topics, use this command

 rostopic list 

From our example it should show 5 topics


You can see the actual messages that are being published on a single topic using the command

 rostopic echo topic-name

For example, if you want to see the messages of /turtle1/cmd_vel, command should be

 rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel

If you want to know more about the topic use this command,

 rostopic info

to know more about the message type

rosmsg show message-type-name

lets try with on the message type for turtle1/color_senor

rosmsg show turtlesim/Color 

the output should look like

uint8 r
uint8 g
uint8 b